Immaculate Conception (North Buena Vista, Iowa)


Immaculate Conception (North Buena Vista, Iowa)


“North Buena Vista clings to the hillsides of the great river, which often offered better transportation than the twisting valley roads. While Father Garrett T. Nagle was pastor of Holy Cross, 24 families pledged support for a small frame church, which was built of lumber from the surrounding hills. When it was dedicated in October 1905, it was placed under the protection of the Immaculate Conception.”

- Rev. Msgr. Edgar Kurt, “Parish Profile: #177: Immaculate Conception, North Buena Vista.” Dubuque: The Witness, 27 May 1990.


The Archdiocese of Dubuque.
The Center for Dubuque History at Loras College.


Burback, Emily. Burns, Daniel. Gibson, Michael. Oberfoell, Carol. Waldmeir, Helen. Waldmeir, John.


Various primary and secondary sources.




Loras College
Kucera Center for Catholic Thought
Frank and Ida Goedken Series: "Spiritual Life in the Upper Mississippi River Valley"


History of the parish, including information about
its priests and parishioners.

Table Of Contents

Annual History Report, Fr. Wilkie, 1961 (1 document)

Pastor Cards (1 collection)

Bielema, Ross. “Buenie Picnic goes dry.” Dubuque: Telegraph Herald, 13 June 1989.

Hanson, Lyn. “Beer, gambling proceeds help parish festivals prosper.” Dubuque: Telegraph Herald, 16 July 1989.

Herman, Bill. “Differing view on picnic,” Dubuque: Telegraph Herald, 8 September 1989.

Japsen, Bruce. “‘Buenie’ picnic dry, but fun.” Dubuque: Telegraph Herald, 4 September 1989.

Lee, Jennifer Dukes. “Wagering bug bit state after church picnic raid.” The Des Moines Register, 30 August 2001, p. 1A, 4A.

“North Buena Vista I.C. celebrating centennial.” The Witness, 30 October 2005.

Pins, Kenneth. “Famed ‘Buenie picnic’ to have bingo, but no beer.” The Register, ca. 1989.

“Photograph of Barbara Murphy sports her Buena Vista church picnic T-Shirt.” Dubuque: Telegraph Herald, 4 September 1989.

Richard, Lord Acton and Patricia Nassif Acton. To Go Free: A Treasury of Iowa’s Legal Heritage. Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1995, p. 313-322.


“Immaculate Conception (North Buena Vista, Iowa),” Loras College Digital Collections, accessed March 12, 2025,