St. Henry (Marshalltown, Iowa)


St. Henry (Marshalltown, Iowa)


“Plans for the new parish in Marshalltown were in 1953 by Archbishop Henry P. Rohlman and Msgr. Bernard H. Skahill, pastor of Saint Mary’s. It was to be attached temporarily to Saint Mary’s. Property for the new parish was purchased in April 1954. The railroad tracks became the dividing line between the mother parish and daughter parish. A campaign begun in 1957 raised almost $400,000 in cash and pledges. On the feast of Saint Henry, July 15, 1959, the parish was founded and named for Archbishop Rohlman’s patron saint. The first pastor, Father Roger E. O’Brien, arrived July 19. The church-school was built in 1959 and dedicated on August 17.”

- Rev. Msgr. Edgar Kurt, “Parish Profile #211: Saint Henry Parish, Marshalltown.” Dubuque: The Witness, 10 February 1991.


The Archdiocese of Dubuque.
The Center for Dubuque History at Loras College.


Burback, Emily. Burns, Daniel. Gibson, Michael. Oberfoell, Carol. Waldmeir, Helen. Waldmeir, John.


Various primary and secondary sources.




Loras College
Kucera Center for Catholic Thought
Frank and Ida Goedken Series: "Spiritual Life in the Upper Mississippi River Valley"


ca. 1954/9-
History of the parish over the span of 74 years, including information about its priests and parishioners.

Table Of Contents

Addition Lenihan Land Information (1 document)

Annual History A.C.C.W. Parish History Project 1961-1976, 1980-1982, 1986-1988 (20 collections)

Building Fund Bulletin 21 July 1957 (1 document)

Discontinuing Lenihan High School (2 documents)

“Family of God of Saint Henry Parish Marshalltown” Family Giving Statements Booklet 1976 (1 collection) 

Financial Report 1983, The Herald/25th Anniversary (3 documents)

History (2 documents)

History A.C.C.W. Parish History Project (2 documents)

Marshalltown Planning Taskforce Report 2008 (1 booklet, 35 pages)

Memorial Dedication Booklet 1959 (3 Booklets)

Pastor Cards (1 document)

Pastor Lists (2 documents)

Rev. Roger O’Brien, Pastor Information (1 document)

St. Henry’s School Handbook 1965-66 (1 booklet)

Timeline History (1 document)

“A New Catholic Parish is born in the Heart of Iowa,” Possible Magazine Page, ca. 1958. (2 documents)

“Holiday Generosity,” The Witness, 6 January 2008.


“St. Henry (Marshalltown, Iowa),” Loras College Digital Collections, accessed March 13, 2025,