St. Patrick (Nevada, Iowa)


St. Patrick (Nevada, Iowa)


“The first Catholic church in Story County was built in Nevada in 1870 under the direction of Father Delaney and that year dedicated to Saint Patrick. At some time afterwards Father Patrick Smith lived in Nevada for several months, but not as an appointed pastor. It was only in 1882 that the Nevada Catholics received their first resident pastor, Father Matthew S. Murphy. From then until 1957 pastors jointly served Nevada and Colo. The original church was moved to the present site by Father Smith.”

- Rev. Msgr. Edgar Kurt, “Parish Profile #164: Saint Patrick Parish, Nevada.” Dubuque: The Witness, 4 March 1990.


The Archdiocese of Dubuque.
The Center for Dubuque History at Loras College.


Burback, Emily. Burns, Daniel. Gibson, Michael. Oberfoell, Carol. Waldmeir, Helen. Waldmeir, John.


Various primary and secondary sources.




Loras College
Kucera Center for Catholic Thought
Frank and Ida Goedken Series: "Spiritual Life in the Upper Mississippi River Valley"


History of the parish over the span of 149 years, including information about its priests and parishioners.

Table Of Contents

Centennial History of the Archdiocese of Dubuque pgs. 326-327

Centennial Letter 1937 (1 document)

Financial Statement 1981 (1 document)

History (1 collection)

History 1937-1961 J.J. Brickley (1 document)

Pastor Cards (1 collection)

Property 1912, 1915, Information and Letters (4 documents)

Release of Mortgage 1911 (6 documents)

St. Patrick’s Church card (1 document)

Vocations Profile (1 document)

Quasquicentennial – 125th Anniversary Booklet (1 document)

“Church Census of Story County.” Newspaper Unknown, Vol. 22, No. 82, 11 October 1916.

“Historical Society Offers Stationary at Art Fair.” Nevada Evening Journal, 22 August 1978.

“Nevada church breaks ground on project,” The Witness, 22 June 2003, p. 1.

“St. Patrick’s Nevada,” The Witness, 4 June 2003.

“St. Patrick, Nevada marks anniversary,” The Witness, 17 September 1995.  (2 documents)

Webster, Jackie. “First Catholic church in Story County dedicated in 1870.” Supplement to the Nevada Journal & Money$aver, 10 August 1994.


“St. Patrick (Nevada, Iowa),” Loras College Digital Collections, accessed February 7, 2025,