Browse Items (257 total)
A woman sits at a desk in the foreground at left and a man stands at a desk in the background at right in this office at the Dubuque Fire & Marine Insurance Company, rooms 710 to 715 in the B & I Building. There is a telephone and a typewriter on the…
Two men work in an office at Metropolitan Life Insurance Company in rooms 705-708 of the B & I Building. A large fern is set on top of a wooden stand in the foreground at left. A safe is placed against the wall behind the fern. A large framed picture…
Fred C Robinson sits at a desk in his office at the Coates & Robinson Insurance Company, rooms 617 to 619 in the B & I Building. There is a statue of an elk in the window and, on the wall at left, a plate with the head of an elk above a small…
Fred C. Robinson (in the light suit at left) stands, working with 4 other men in an office on the top floor of the B & I building. There are a table, three desks, a safe, and a large bank of file cabinets in the room. At left, a sculpture of an elk…
An elderly man sits at a roll-top desk while a woman is posed with a typewriter at a table next to the desk. A large fern is on a wooden stool next to the window at right. Pinned to the window frame next to the fern is a sign that reads, “We close…
Two men sit at desks behind the counter of the State Loan Company, room 414 of the B & I Building. The number “122” has been written on the emulsion side of the negative and is visible in the upper right corner of the picture. No number is written in…
A woman sits at a roll-top desk in an unidentified office in the B & I Building. There is a typewriter in front of her and a mimeograph machine on a table behind her. The number “124” has been written on the emulsion side of the negative and is…
A woman sits at a roll-top desk in the outer room of an unidentified law office in the B & I Building. The number “127” has been written on the emulsion side of the negative and is visible in the upper right corner of the picture. The number “1” has…
Insurance agent Scott A. Cairy sits with a with a woman and a girl in the Guaranty Life Insurance Company office, room 324 of the B & I Building. The door to the office is open and painted on the glass in the door is: “The Guaranty Life Insurance Co.…
Edwin Albee sits at a roll-top desk in his office, room 310 of the B & I Building. The office is spacious, with wicker chair in one corner and a sink mounted against the back wall. There are 4 large picture calendars in the room. Two of these are…
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