Browse Items (257 total)
Five women and two men are working in a large room. Three of the women are standing at a long work table. Filled bags of coffee are visible on the table. Next to these bags, one woman is filling paper bags at a machine and placing them on the table…
Six employees, four women and two men, are at work at their desks in this brightly-lit office illuminated by four tall windows and a skylight. Two electric calculating machines are placed near the desks. The floor is of a light-colored wood. A “Spahn…
Six men at work in a storage room at the Dubuque Brewing and Malting Co. A Sign above the door reads: 'ATTENTION! FIRE ALARM CALLS. ONE Whistle—Bottle House, TWO “ —BARN, THREE “ —Wash House, FOUR “ —Mill House & Machine Room, Five “ —Office.' A…
A family is seated in the sitting room of an unidentified boarding house. A young boy is standing next to his father and a baby girl is seated on her mother’s lap. Visible on the music rack of an upright piano are three pieces of sheet music,…
Manager R. J. McCarthy is seated at a table in the rear of the show room of the Singer Sewing Machine Company Store. A female employee is standing near the table. A telephone has been placed on the table. Two sewing machines, each with visible…
In a narrow warehouse space equipped to serve as a shipping room, three men are posing near rolling wooden carts, stacks of wicker baskets, piles of boxes and rolls of paper-wrapped merchandise. One stack of boxes is labeled “Tanglefoot Fly Paper.” …
A male patient is seated in a reclining dental chair near a window. The dentist and a female assistant are standing on either side of the patient. A dental drill, on the end of a cable and pulley, hangs from the ceiling. A retractable electric light…
A man and woman sit at a desk in an unidentified office in the B & I Building. The woman is writing in a stenographers’ notebook and the man is holding a pencil and is looking at a paper. The shade of a large window behind them is pulled shut. A…
A woman (also seen in KL 140-255) and two men work in a large Standard Oil Company office, rooms 201-202 in the B & I Building. Photo KL 140-255 pictures the first part of this office. A June, 1912 calendar hangs on the back wall. The number “165”…
Insurance agent Scott A. Cairy sits with a with a woman and a girl in the Guaranty Life Insurance Company office, room 324 of the B & I Building. The door to the office is open and painted on the glass in the door is: “The Guaranty Life Insurance Co.…
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