There is a large building which sits atop a dirt road that starts from the bottom left of the photograph and continues upward to the right side of the photograph. There are bushes and trees along this dirt road. The large building may be separate…
A large arched storm drain in the side of a small hill in the center of the photograph made out of concrete, presumably. The hill is covered in rock and long weeds and grass. There is a small amount of water inside of the storm drain. Behind the hill…
There is a house facing a street with a walkway coming from the left side of the picture and continuing back and to the right until it meets the small roofed porch. There are two light colored, ionic columns holding up the front of the roof over the…
A Lincoln car dealership building along the street. The building to the left has a "Ford" sticker in the first floor window. The Lincoln building is two floors. The first floor features windows with the words, "Lincoln: The Finest Car Built". In the…