Across the still water of a wide stream or pond sits a red house with a horse buggy next to it. The trees are colored green and the sky is pink and blue.
Two men, one sitting and one standing, are in a small fishing boat on the river. Hills rise on the far bank. The card is colored, and both the water and sky are tinted blue with pink.
A group of women, young girls, and one nun are posed outside a stone building and on its upper porch. The building is long and narrow and has a decorative railing around the top. Today, it has undergone extensive additions. Located at 6th and Bluff,…
Four boys and five girls are posed outside the Franklin School. The original school was built in 1857 as the First Ward School and renamed in December 1889. Today's Franklin School at 39 Bluff Street was constructed in 1906. The building in this…
Three long tables are set for a fancy meal, with menus and flowers arranged by the plates. There are more flowers overhead. The photograph is labeled "St. Mary's Casino".
Pictured is the building constructed in 1908 as the home of Nicholas J. Schrup at the corner of 14th (today Loras Blvd) and Main Streets. Schrup was a lead banker in Dubuque and founded American Trust & Savings Bank, served as a state senator, and…
Showing an bird's-eye view of Dubuque, the photo is shot from the top of the bluff and looks down with sixth street on the left to the south and east of the city. The Mary of the Angels home is visible, as are A.A. Cooper's Graystone and Redstone,…
A group of well-dressed people, from young girls to older men and women, stand in front of a building numbered 1584. The girls stand in front; men in dark suits line up behind them, including a priest, and women and older men are to the left and…
The photograph shows Catfish Creek with an old railroad bridge spanning it and a boat with a man in it on the left bank. "Copyright 1907 by Hager & Blish" is printed in the lower right.