12-13 individuals are seen standing on the bank of the Mississippi River. The man closest to the photographer, is standing on a branch that is in the river. He is also holding something in his hands and is facing the river. These branch are covering…
Two people, perhaps a man and a woman or two women, are seated beneath the leafy trees in the middle of a lawn. There are two small white houses in the background.
Large rock outcropping on small hill. There are two major sections of the outcropping. On the left stands a man on top with his left hand on his hip. The right outcropping has two small boys standing on top of it with their hands in their pockets.…
Albert J. Hoffmann is seated on Peter B. Sr.'s lap. Peter's daughter Alvina is to the right, and then a woman identified as Mary Holsinger. Mary is listed as Sr. Mary Hortulana Holsinger on a gravestone in Mt. Calvary cemetery's Sisters of St.…
Approximately seven people are standing on the chunky ice of the frozen river, four of the boys huddled together. There is a rail bridge in the back left.