Two railroads are pictured in this photograph. The railroad on the right is on higher ground and winds around into a wooded area. There are telegraph poles along this railroad. The railroad on the left is lower and there are buildings, possibly…
Two separate rock outcroppings are in the foreground and center of the photograph. Between the two rocks is Ida Schumacher, who is holding an umbrella. Edward Hoffmann is seen laying down on the left rock outcropping and looking downwards at Ida. In…
Two women wearing dresses and hats are carrying suitcases and appear to be traveling somewhere. Although the women are not identified, it is likely they are Hoffmanns or Schumachers.
The print is divided into an upper and lower photograph. The upper shows a man standing on the track in a rail yard with the city in the background. The other shows a man sitting on a hill looking at stacks of lumber with the courthouse and city in…
An unknown woman stands on a rock along the side of a waterway. Her left hand is on her hip and her right hand is holding a fishing pole where the line is down in the water. She is wearing a hat with what appears to be vines and leaves encircling the…
The photograph is shot overlooking a city, which is in the bottom foreground; stretching across the back are open fields with a road cutting through them. The houses have tiled roofs. The photo is marked as U.S. Official, 51684.