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[11.8.69] Loras College Suspends Sixteen Black Students.pdf

[11.8.69] Loras College Suspends Sixteen Black Students (1).pdf

[5.17.68] Movement Here Aims to End Race Prejudice.pdf

Panel Disccusses Underlying Reasons for Loras Situation.pdf

[5.5.68] Racial Equality Is Panel Topic.pdf

[11.12.69] Can We Support a Black Community - Panty Raiders (1).pdf

[3.X.69] Reply to the Fact Sheet on Student Action   (1).pdf
President Driscoll Announces a new Athletic Hair Policy has been accepted and will begin during the 1969-70 school year.

[4.29.22] Kutsch on The Black Floor.mp3

[11.9.69] Statement by Driscoll.pdf

[11.X.69] Student Senate Fact Sheet on Culture House.pdf
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