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In a diamond-shaped portrait, Santa Claus is seen with several toys. Decorating the portrait are five purple flowers and a blue and white ornate design. On the middle left-hand side of the card is the phrase "xmas greeting". Below, in the the bottom…
In a circular picture, Santa Claus is seen smiling. Surrounding him, are bushels of holly, covered in ice and snow. On the bottom left-hand side of the postcard reads the phrase "may joy and happiness fill your heart this Christmas day".
Santa Claus is seen within a portrait. Around him are bushels of holly, holly berries, and bells. On the top of the postcard, there is a snowy mountain view. On the bottom of the notecard, the phrase "a joyous Christmas" is printed.
On a postcard covered in clovers, holly bushels, and holly berries, there lies a portrait of Father Christmas, clutching a bundle of sticks and a sack of toys. Underneath the portrait, the phrase "a merry Christmas" is read.
Among a picture of Santa Claus, decorated by three bells and holly leaves, the phrase "a hearty Christmas" can be read.
Inside a portrait, Father Christmas is seen holding small pine tree and a sack of toys. Above Father Christmas, the phrase "a Christmas greeting" is written. Below the portrait are many bushels of holly and holly berries.
Santa Claus with a sack of toys can be seen inside a portrait along side a Christmas tree. Above the portrait, 3 bells, a bushel of holly, and holly berries can be seen. Below the portrait the phrase "Christmas Greetings" can be seen.
A joyful Santa Claus can be seen putting on reading glasses in preparation to read his list of children. Above him, lies a bushel of holly and holly berries. Below Santa, the phrase "a joyful Christmas" can be read.
Santa Claus' face is framed in holly and mistletoe. "A Happy Christmas" is printed at the top.
Father Christmas is wearing a red coat and round hat. He is placing a nutcracker on a table under a lighted tree that he has taken out of his bag of toys. The card is decorated with holly, candles, and stars; "A Merry Christmas" is printed at the…
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