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The card shows a head view of Santa Claus within a holly and ribbon wreath. Below is the greeting "Merry Christmas" and the poem "I just popped in a moment / To swap the time of day / And wish you Merry Christmas / The best that's on the way."
Santa Claus' head is shown inside a holly wreath. Arrayed in front of it are toys - a doll, drum, trumpet and ball among others. The card reads "A Merry Christmas."
Santa Claus' face is shown within a holly wreath with bow against a dark background. "A Merry Christmas" is printed at the bottom.
Against a cream and holly background, there is a scene of Santa Claus inset in the upper portion of the card. He is dressed in his red suit, carrying a bag of toys, and pushing a sledge of more packages and a tree through the snowy field in front of…
A youthful Santa Claus, with an unlined face, is dressed in a flowing red robe with white trim. Over one shoulder he has a bag of toys, and in his other arm he cradles a decorated Christmas tree in a pot. "Greetings" is printed below, surrounded by…
Father Christmas is dressed in a red coat and hat, carrying an evergreen tree over his shoulder and bag of toys on his back. The card's background is cream with vertical stripes of holly. Printed in the bottom left is "A Merry Christmas."
Father Christmas is dressed in a red coat and tall pointed hat; he carries a staff in one hand and a bundle of sticks in the other, and has a basket of toys on his back. The card's background is vertical stripes of holly against cream, and "Best…
Inside a circular inset near the top of the card, Santa Claus is shown from the chest up. He has holly in his hair. The card's background is white with evergreen decorations. One branch, which extends below Santa, has toys hanging from it: dolls, a…
In side of a snowy portrait, lies Santa Claus displaying a slight smile. On either sides of the portrait, holly berries and holly leaves are garnishing the portrait. On the bottom left-hand side reads the phrase "Christmas Greeting".
A stern-looking Santa Claus is seen in a wooden framed portrait garnished by holly berries and holly leaves. On the bottom right-hand sand of the card, in red texts, the phrase "A Joyful Christmas" can be read.
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