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Father Christmas, in blue, is on the far side of a gray donkey. Across its back it has a white blanket and carries Father Christmas' bag of toys. He is holding up one doll he selected from the pack. The scene is bordered by holly, and the bottom of…
Father Christmas, dressed in a long blue coat and brown hat, has his driving goggles pushed up his forehead as he's driving a red car. It is filled with holly, a tree, and bag of toys. The sky in the background is sunset colors of red-orange, blue,…
Santa Claus, in blue, is taking off in his flying sleigh pulled by four reindeer on the right side of the card. In the center is a snowy church with tall steeple. The card is sparsely decorated with holly, and "Christmas Greetigns" is printed in the…
Santa Claus, in blue, is taking off in his flying sleigh pulled by four reindeer on the right side of the card. In the center is a snowy church with tall steeple. The card is sparsely decorated with holly, and "Christmas Greetigns" is printed in the…
The left side of the card featrues a snowy rooftop with two chimneys; Santa Claus in blue is taking off in a red sleigh pulled by four reindeer. "A merry Christmas to You" is printed on the right side with a handwritten "From Francis" beneath.
In a small rectangular inset to the right of the card, Father Christmas, dressed in blue and carrying a miniature Christmas tree, knocks on the green door of a house. To the left of the inset is a blue rectangle with holly and a ribbon connected to…
There is an oval inset to the right of the card, surrounded by holly, that features Father Christmas. He is wearing a brown coat and hat, has a basket of toys on his back, and carries an evergreen under his right arm. There is a poem to the left…
The card features an oval inset of Father Christmas to the right. He is wearign a red coat and a holly-adorned brown hat. He is also laden with brightly colored toys like dolls, a trumpet, and a drum. The left side of the card is covered in holly and…
The upper part of the card depicts Santa Claus in his red suit with a crown of holly seated at a small table. He pats his belly with one hand and raises a goblet in a toast with his other. In front of him is a large metal bowl and spoon. Two…
Santa Claus' face peaks into a plain white-rimmed window. He has a full beard and a red cap, and on his back is a bag ful of toys and holly. The poem at the bottom reads, "I'll be there to-night, / So turn down the light. / Hang up your stockings /…
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