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"A Merry Christmas" is printed at the center of the card. Above it flies a bird, perhaps a robin; it is brown with a red breast. There is a holly cluster surrounding the greeting and around the edges of the card are white flowers with yellow centers.
The top half of the card depicts a sunset scene of mountains, an evergreen, and three brown birds swooping over the snow. It is bordered solely by holly berries, no leaves. The bottom reads "Merry Christmas / If this card could wish / Merry Christmas…
The scene depicted on a plain cream background is a shelf under a window; the viewer is looking out the window upon a sunset, path and trees. Inside, on the shelf there are a book, a present, candle, holly, and a poinsettia. "Best Christmas Wishes"…
A small scene is inset into the right center of the card depicting a river and a house at sunrise or sunset. The background of the card is brown and gold, with holly decorations. Printed to the left is "A merry Christmas."
A golden star shines out its rays in the upper right of the card. They illuminate a church near the left side and a large cluster of holly that takes up the card's center right. "A happy Christmas" is printed at the bottom.

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Two ringing silver bells hand with a cluster of holly leaves and berries. "A Joyful Christmas" is printed in the upper right.
In the center of the card is a cluster of holly leaves and berries. Hanging from it are two ringing silver bells. "A Merry Christmas" is printed in the upper right.
Bordered in gray and brown, in the center of the card is a snowy field with a brown house and trees near the center. A cluster of bells is in the upper right and a red ribbon stretches along the other sides of the scene. "'May All Christmas Joys Be…
Hanging from a pink ribbon is a cluster of holly and a golden bell decorated with white flowers that have yellow centers. "With Christmas Greetings" is printed below, and there is a handwritten signature in the lower right.
Hanging from a pink ribbon is a ringing gray bell. Below it is a cluster of holly. "A Merry Christmas" is printed to the left side as is a handwritten "Charley".
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