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The photograph is shot looking directly down a path that is bordered by tall trees, likely some kind of evergreen, on both sides. Edward Hoffmann is standing by the first tree along the left side; Emil Youngblood is leaning against one a few trees…
Edward Hoffmann is posed in the hollow tree at the bottom while Emil Youngblood and Albert Hoffmann are in the broken-off top.
Edward, Peter B. Sr., and Albert D. Hoffmann are picnicking with Emil Youngblood. They are eating food out of a picnic basket in front of Ed, and their meal, drinks and utensils are spread out before them. Albert's hat is hung on the barbed-wire…
Edward Hoffmann an an unidentified man, probably Emil Youngblood, are picking pumpkins in a field.
Four men stand in front of a fruit tree, presumably an apple tree. Peter Hoffmann stand on the left, and is facing the camera. He is holding a fruit in his right hand and had his left arm up into the tree. Next to him, is Emil Youngblood who is…
Peter B. Hoffmann Sr., Edward Hoffmann, Emil Youngblood, and Albert D. Hoffmann are picking bouquets of flowers on a hillside covered with them. The flowers could be black-eyed susans; they have light petals surrounding a dark center.
Emil Youngblood is gesturing and Edward and Peter B. Sr. are watching him. Their baskets of berries are by Ed on the ground.
One man is sitting and the other standing on a rock outcropping at the top of a hill, looking down over a valley. Other bluffs surround it, and in the bottom of the valley is a stream bed, road, and a few homesteads. The men, although shown from the…
Albert D. Hoffmann sits above everyone else on the hill. He left hand is in a fist and sitting on his hip, and his right arm is resting on his right leg, which is raised and resting on a rock. Below Albert is Peter B. Hoffmann Sr. who is sitting with…
Emil Youngblood on the left, is standing with his hands in his pockets, on the remains of an old house. It appears to be a porch, but there are walls of the old house visible to the left that show the inside of the house. To his right is Edward…
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