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The card is a head view of Father Christmas. He is dressed in a hooded brown robe with a crown of snowy holly. To the left and right and above him the background is greenery, and above his head are three dark purple violets. The bottom third's…
A field of grass stretches beyond the foreground of the card, which contains a chain fence and dark pink flowers. There is an inset of a man in the upper left. To the righ, the poem "We twa hae run about the braes / And put the gowans [word] / But…
The card depicts a field of grass; in the far back left there is a farm with a house, barn, and windmill. In the fore right there are daisies. A chain fence runs across the field from left to right. In the upper left corner, there is an inset of a…
Flowers take up the foreground of the card, with rolling fields of grass in the background. A German New Years greeting, "Die hasten Segenswunade Neuen Jahre!" is printed in the upper left, and to the right, this psalm: "Wer auf den herrn hoffet, den…
The card depicts a girl dressed in pink and blue, holding a white cat in her arms as well as a basket of pink flowers. "Greeting" is printed above her head in large letters, and below in smaller letters: "Ah! what would the world be to us / If the…
The card has a gray background, except for the scene highlight on the left. It features a blonde-haired girl in a blue dress seated on a bench. She is holding a white cat in her arms and a doll on her lap. There is a toy carriage on the floor, and…
This birthday card features a well-dressed woman riding in an ellegant blue and silver carriage. She is wearing a white frilled dress, pink hat, and yellow boots. On her lap she is holding a basket of flowers and a letter. The card is bordered in…
A brown-haired girl dressed in pink with a bow in her hair is looking at the red cardinal perched to the right. It is on a branch of blooming white flowers that wraps around the girl.

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The dominant figure of the card is a green-robed, brown-haired angel with off-white wings. It is holding two white flowers. In the background are many other angels, largely fading into the sky. In the lower right is a faded church. "A Merry…
The card is taken up by the leaves and pink blossoms of clover. The print in the upper left reads "Four Leaved Clover / Be mine."

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