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The card shows Father Christmas in brown with a tan bag on his back, facing away from the viewer. A girl in blue is seated on the bag, putting an apple on a tree that is poking out of its top. "Merry Christmas" is printed in the lower left.
A blonde-haired girl in a pink and white dress holds out her white apron to receive gifts from Father Christmas. He is dressed in a brown and white-trimmed fur coat and is giving her what appears to be food. With his right hand he carries a decorated…
Father Christmas is carrying a lantern in one hand and a decorated Christmas tree in the other. He has a satchel over his shoulder and appears to be pulling a sled. There is a windmill standing over a row of houses in the background. The words…
On a snowy evening, Father Christmas is seen watching over two angels, one in a pink coat and another in a blue coat, un-boxing an item. Behind them, there is an older brown car that has a Christmas tree and many different toys in the trunk. On the…
A youthful Santa Claus, with an unlined face, is dressed in a flowing red robe with white trim. Over one shoulder he has a bag of toys, and in his other arm he cradles a decorated Christmas tree in a pot. "Greetings" is printed below, surrounded by…
A message on a piece of parchment takes up the center of the card; it has holly and bell decorations at the top and a seal hanging from the bottom. It reads, "Be this Christmas fair and bright With all that makes a young heart light." Father…
Father Christmas is holding his sack of toys under a candle-lit Christmas tree. On the back "A Happy Christmas" is written.
Father Christmas is holding a small brunette girl in white in his arms. The girl is holding a doll in pink. Behind them is a lighted and decorated Christmas Tree. "Frohliche Weihnachten!" is printed in the lower left.
The only figure on the card against the plain green background is Father Christmas. He is dressed in a long dark brown coat and hat. In one hand he carries a decorated Christmas tree. In the other, a bag full of toys including dolls and musical…
In a snowy field, Father Christmas is seen holding a decorated Christmas tree and toys. A few feet away from fatehr Christmas, two children are seen waving and talking to him. Below Father Christmas the phrase "Merry Christma s" in German can be…
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