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Inset in the upper portion of the card is an oval depicting Santa Claus leading a reindeer which is pulling a sled. Santa is dressed in a long red coat and uses a tree branch as a walking stick. The antlered reindeer is attached to a harness to pull…
His reindeer has pulled Santa Claus' green and red sleigh to a stop outside a house. Santa Claus is standing beside it with a tree over his shoulder, facing backwards and looking at the brown snow-covered house. "A Merry Christmas" is printed in the…
Santa Claus is dressed in a red coat and floppy red hat; he is leaning in the frame of an open window, looking inside a house. He carries a bag of toys in his right hand, which includes at least one doll. Behind him, two reindeer await, attached to…
The card's main scene is portrayed as if the viewer is looking through a keyhole. There, a family surrounds the golden light of a lit fireplace. Above the fireplace are stockings. In front of it, three males sit on the rug while one boy writes a…
Santa Claus is perched on the edge of a brick chimney, carrying a bag of toys while smoking and waving. There is the faint outline of a reindeer in the background and "Christmas Greetings" is printed in the lower right.
Santa Claus is seen trecking through a snowy forest with his reindeer following closely behind. In the distance, two small children are seen peering from behind a tree to observe Santa. At the bottom, on the lower left-hand side, the phrase Merry…
The left side of the card featrues a snowy rooftop with two chimneys; Santa Claus in blue is taking off in a red sleigh pulled by four reindeer. "A merry Christmas to You" is printed on the right side with a handwritten "From Francis" beneath.
The card shows an up-close view of Santa Claus in his red suit, carrying a variety of toys. On his back are dolls and toy reindeer, and there are letters stuck through his belt. In the background is a house set among snowy evergreens with teh moon…
In the center of the card is a large yellow placard reading "Merry Christmas to you. I wish you every happiness." Leaning on it on the right is a girl in a blue jacket, green skirt, and red hat. She is looking at Santa Claus, who leans on it with one…
Traditional Santa is sharing a collar with a reindeer. Santa is feeding the reindeer and they seem to be close friends.
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