Browse Items (60 total)

Auction- Mar 26th (1), 1953-1954.jpg
A newspaper clipping from the Loras College student newspaper, the Lorian, displaying two photographs from the 1954 St. Patrick's Day Auction: 1) a group of students holding an auctioned-off football, and 2) several priests seated in rows holding a…

Auction- Mar 26th (2), 1953-1954.jpg
A newspaper clipping from the Loras College student newspaper, the Lorian, regarding the 1954 St. Patrick's Day Auction. Accompanying the article is a photograph of a group of students holding an antique statue named "Matilda."

Pie- Mar. 25th, 1954-1955.jpg
A newspaper clipping from the Loras College student newspaper, the Lorian, regarding the 1955 St. Patrick's Day Auction. Accompanying the article is a photograph of a group of students smashing a pie into the face of another student.

Chemistry- May 7th, 1957-1958.jpg
A newspaper clipping from the Loras College student newspaper, the Lorian, regarding the Loras College chemistry department.

Blizzard- Mar. 11th, 1958-1959.jpg
A newspaper clipping from the Loras College student newspaper, the Lorian, regarding the March 5, 1959 blizzard in Dubuque, Iowa. The clipping displays an image of the exterior of a campus building in the snow.

Wahlert- Sept. 30th, 1959-1960.jpg
A newspaper clipping from the Loras College student newspaper, the Lorian, displaying a photograph of Loras College football players using the Wahlert Memorial Library construction site to train.

Wahlert- Oct 28th, 1959-1960.jpg
A newspaper clipping from the Loras College student newspaper the Lorian, displaying a photograph of a construction worker being extracted from broken machinery on the Wahlert Memorial Library construction site.

Wahlert- May 12th, 1959-1960.jpg
A newspaper clipping from the Loras College student newspaper the Lorian, regarding Gregory Peter XV Cardinal Agagianian's blessing of the Wahlert Memorial Library cornerstone in 1960.

Jubilee- Oct 14th, 1959-1960.jpg
A newspaper clipping from the Loras College student newspaper, the Lorian, regarding the fifty-year anniversary of the Loras College Players theatre troupe.

Homecoming- Nov. 5th, 1958-1959.jpg
A newspaper clipping from the Loras College student newspaper, the Lorian, regarding the College's 1958 Homecoming preparations. Accompanying the article is a photograph from 1951 of Loras students standing in trucks and building a large wood pile…
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