Browse Items (116 total)
Edward, Peter B. Sr., and Albert D. Hoffmann are picnicking with Emil Youngblood. Their meal and utensils are spread out on the ground in front of them. All have their hats off; Albert's is hanging on the barbed-wire fence behind them. Edward and…
Edward, Peter B. Sr., and Albert D. Hoffmann are picnicking with Emil Youngblood. They are eating food out of a picnic basket in front of Ed, and their meal, drinks and utensils are spread out before them. Albert's hat is hung on the barbed-wire…
Peter B. Sr., Edward, and Albert D. Hoffmann are with Emil Youngblood, picking flowers that could be black-eyed susans from a hillside full of the blossoms.
Edward Hoffmann is seated on the edge of a water trough or bench next to a split-rail fence, drinking from a cup. Emil Youngblood stands next to him, also holding a cup.
Edward Hoffmann is seated on the edge of a bench or water trough with a split-rail fence behind him while Emil Youngblood stands next to him. Both have cups in their hands.
Peter B. Hoffmann, Edward Hoffmann, and Emil Youngblood are gathering sheaves of hay in a field.
Peter B. Hoffmann, Emil Youngblood, and Edward Hoffmann are harvesting hay from stacks in a broad field.
Emil Youngblood and Edward Hoffmann are standing in a cornfield; the plants have grown taller than their heads.
Edward Hoffmann and Emil Youngblood are in a field full of hay stacks, harvesting the hay and moving it from the stacks.
Peter B. Hoffmann Sr., Edward Hoffmann, Emil Youngblood, and Albert D. Hoffmann are picking bouquets of flowers on a hillside covered with them. The flowers could be black-eyed susans; they have light petals surrounding a dark center.
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