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Father Christmas dressed in a long, red robe is cutting down a small, fragile Christmas tree. He has a bag of toys on his back. The top of the card says, "Christmas Greetings."
Father Christmas is carrying a doll in one arm and a potted Christmas tree in the other. It and the card are decorated in candles, holly and stars. "A Happy Christmas" is printed at the bottom.
Father Christmas is dressed in a hooded brown coat. There is an angel at his side, dressed in white, carrying golden bells. Father Christmas is laden with many toys; there is a full bag on his back as well as one at his side. He also carries a…
The card is very busy and colorful. It depicts the living room of a house, packed with children and toys. In the back left, Father Christmas in a hooded brown coat dumps a bag of fruit and various toys into the room; they trail down the side of the…
Father Christmas is dressed in a red coat and brown hat, carrying an evergreen tree in one hand. Nearby is a sled with a bag of toys on it, and another package rests at Father Christmas' feet. He is approaching a gray brick house with a lighted and…
Father Christmas and four children of varying ages are gathered around a lighted and decorated Christmas tree. Father Christmas is dressed in a white coat and red hat, carrying a bag in his hand and a basket of toys on his back. The four children are…
Father Christmas stands slightly behind a lighted and decorated Christmas tree, on the right side of the card. He is wearing a white coat and a red hat, and carries a basket of toys on his back and a satchel of them at his side. In front of the tree,…
Done in a very realistic style against a black background, Father Christmas in a gray hooded coat is shown from the chest up. He is on the right, and the decorated and beribboned Christmas tree that he is holding is to the left.
Father Christmas, dressed in brown and carrying a bag of toys, has his arms crossed as looks downward at two children. The girl in pink and the boy in blue have their backs to the viewer, and appear to be looking at the different Christmas trees on…
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