Browse Items (8 total)
Monthly report of the chaplain for January 1948 submitted to the Military Ordinate for the unit stationed in Carlisle Barracks, Pa.
The Holy days over and all well.
Monthly report of the chaplain for January 1945 submitted to the Military Ordinate for the unit posted at Hq, 530th AAA (AW) Bn A.P.O. 519 B, % P.M.N.Y.
Just a line stating that I am fine and like the work.

Monthly report of chaplain for January 1943 submitted to the military ordinate for the unit stationed in Cedar Falls, Iowa.

Monthly report of auxiliary chaplain January 1944 submitted to the military ordinate for the WAAVE Training Stationed stationed in Cedar Falls, Iowa.

Monthly report of auxiliary chaplain January 1944 submitted to the military ordinate for the Air Cadet Training St. stationed in Cedar Falls, Iowa.

Monthly Report of Auxiliary Chaplain for the Military Ordinariate for the WAVE Training Station unit posted in Cedar Falls, Iowa.
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