This postcard has an off-white background with a female winged Krampus riding a scooter and cupid. On the left side of the postcard, the smaller, naked cupid picks up a trail of hearts left by the Krampus with its bow and arrows on its back. The…
This postcard has an off-white background and shows a red, winged, and flying Krampus holding a broom in one hand while the other arm and its tail hold a man. The man has a frightened expression on his face as he looks at the Krampus and his top hat…
This postcard has a red background with a large-eared Krampus wearing a pinstripe suit throwing a scarf around a woman's face. She stands in front of him wearing a white apron and long skirt and is trying to look back at the Krampus angrily with her…
This postcard is on a red background with a red and black outlined Krampus, a woman, and a man. The Krampus is on the right side of the trio and is seen making rabbit ears behind the man's head and grinning and staring at the woman. The woman looks…
This postcard has a red background and shows a hairy, winged, long-tailed, and horned Krampus tied up on the bottom left of the card with a shocked expression on his face. On his right, a white bulldog is seen holding Krampus' broom, sticking its…