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Santa Claus is seated in an armchair, with two blonde-haired children in white pajamas on either side. He is reading them a book with a Christmas tree on the cover. Scattered around the armchair are toys, a cat, and a holly branch. Printed to the…
A child is dressed in a blue sailor's outfit with white cap and black boots. They carry a white book under one arm and a bouquet of colorful flowers in the other. Printed at the top is "A Jolly Xmas." Below that, "Happy may the Chrsitmas find you.…
The scene depicted on a plain cream background is a shelf under a window; the viewer is looking out the window upon a sunset, path and trees. Inside, on the shelf there are a book, a present, candle, holly, and a poinsettia. "Best Christmas Wishes"…
In this postcard, there is a little brown-haired girl in pajamas holding a teddy bear and a book beside a roaring fire. The fireplace she is by is adorned with holly and she has a few toys nearby on the floor. At the bottom of the postcard is the…
Two angels, a girl and boy, are seated on a short wall. The boy on the right is reading a book and the one on the left is holding a red heart. A flower garland is draped along the wall and there are white doves flying on the left side of the card.…
Father Christmas is shown from the waist up; he is wearing a bright red coat. A trumpet and package are visible over his shoulder. In his left arm he carries a horse and other toys, while under his right arm he has several thin books. The background…
Father Christmas in red stands to the left of the postcard. He has packages dangling from his right arm while he holds a lantern up with his left. To the right is a blonde-haired angel in a white and yellow robe; it has silver wings. There are…
Traditional Santa is sitting at a desk reading a book. This card has a Christmas Greeting on it.
St. Nicholas is standing at the door of a girl's house handing her a gold book. There is a German Christmas Greeting on this postcard.
St. Nicholas in a purple cloak holding a book and a bag of fruit. He is wearing a white gown. It has a Christmas greeting written in German.
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