The card is entitled "Volumes of Good Wishes" and printed to look like it's on a torn piece of paper. Underneath the title is a stack of books, some sitting up, some laying down, and one open; an inkwell is next to them. Printed at the bottom are the…
A person in a library looking at books on a counter. Several other people are seated in the library. Another person in the background is standing near a bookcase.
A red-haired, haloed child in a white gown is received a toy horse and books from two delivery angels in the room with them, while another angel floats outside the window. The background of the room contains a Christmas tree and more toys. The poem…
Father Christmas is the central figure of the card; he is shown waist-up. He wears a hooded red robe and has a holly crown. In his arms he holds a golden plate or tray piled high with gifts. There are dolls, packages, drums, books, and apples on the…
Father Christmas is walking through a snowy field. He has stopped, and his goodies are spilling out of the bag over his shoulder in a stream of fruit, books, and candy. There is a house in the background set among trees. "Frohliche Weihnachten!" is…
The card features two children, a boy in yellow and a girl in green, who are sitting and reading from a book. Their clothes are open in the back so their behinds are bare. There are two more books to the right of the card, and the greeting at the top…