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Pictured on the left side of the card, Father Christmas is talking to two children. He is dressed in a long brown coat with a bag of toys on his back and basket on his arm. The children, a boy and a girl, are huddled together as they speak to him. In…
Father Christmas, dressed in a long red hooded coat, has a bag of toys and holly on his back and is leaning forward on a walking stick to talk to two children. The taller, a boy in black and a red hat, is standing behind the shorter girl, who is…
The card's center scene depicts Father Christmas, dressed in a long red hooded coat, with a bag of toys and holly on his back and leaning forward on a walking stick to talk to two children. The taller, a boy in black and a red hat, is standing behind…
In the midst of a snowy forest clearing with evergreens and grasses in the background, Father Christmas is putting a boy into his bag. Father Christmas is dressed in a long star-studded red robe and cap with brown trim. He steadies his open yellow…
Father Christmas, dressed in a hooded brown coat, smiles as he leans toward three waiting children. he is carrying a lighted and decorated tree in his left hand and a basket of treats in his right; there is also a bag of toys on this back with a red…
Father Christmas is dressed in a long coat and carries a bag of toys on his back and more on his belt. With a displeased expression on his face, he holds a bundle of sticks raised on one hand and reaches toward the boy with his other. The boy,…
In black and white, the card depicts Father Christmas in a long dark coat with white trim sawing off the top of an evergreen tree. He has a doll at his belt and toys on his back. From behind a bare-branched tree to the left, a little boy watches him.…
In a dark room, in which two children are fast asleep, Father Christmas is seen placing toys at the foot of their bed.
Father Christmas, dressed in a long brown coat and furry hat, carries a bag of toys on his back and a basket under his arm. He has a walking stick over his right shoulder, since he is stopped on the path to talk to two children. The boy and girl and…
The card shows a black-and-white scene of Father Christmas walking through a snowy woods, carrying a small Christmas tree and a basket of toys on his back. There are three birds flying low to the ground in front of him. Inset to the right is an oval…
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