Santa Claus is standing behind a white bell with a cherub on the front. The bell is covered with holly. The winged cherub, naked save a blue hat, is holding an enormous heart-shaped ring in front of its body with the tag "A Merry Xmas" attached.
Santa Claus, smoking a pipe, is standing behind a white holly-decorated bell that has a cherub on the front. The cherub is dressed in a green hat with brown fur collar and gloves. It is holding a double-hearted silver ring in front of its body. "A…
Santa Claus, smoking a pipe, is standing behind a holly-decorated white bell with a cherub standing on it. The cherub isn't wearing clothes besides a hat and sash; it is holding a large "Sweetheart Days" necklace on a chain, which covers its body.…
In the foreground of the card stands the child Jesus, dressed in white, with a shining halo around his blonde head. Behind him is Father Christmas, carrying a tree and laden with dolls and other toys. There is a cherub flying near his head. In the…
Santa Claus' face is pictured on a white bell that is also decorated with holly. A blonde-haired cherub is standing next to him, feet on the bell's ringer. It is carrying a satchel and a double-hearted ring in front of its body with the tag "A Merry…