In the center of a room is a child's bed surrounded by toys and a decorated Christmas tree. The blonde-haired child is awake, and prays to the vision of the baby Jesus in the clouds with rays of light shining forth in the back right of the card. Two…
The background of the card is deep purple at the bottom and fades to white then lighter purple near the top. The figures are mostly imprints. At the bottom, there is a village and church scene. A golden sun is rising. Above, four naked cherubs with…
Father Christmas, dressed in a long green hooded coat, is seated in his sleigh. He is receiving a red book from a blonde-haired cherub, while another holds a toy horse. His sleigh is being pulled by two reindeer, one white and one brown, with bells…
Two cherubs, printed in white with golden halos, are amidst holly above the scene of a village and church. "A Merry Christmas" is printed in the bottom right.
Smiling, a brown-coated Father Christmas is carrying a bag on his back. Crawling down it and flying off it are four small angels, carrying toys and treats. A shooting star is overhead, and "Herzlichen Weihnachts" is printed at the bottom with a…