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Father Christmas is dressed in a long blue coat and soldier-like hat, with a brown harness holding the pack on his back. To two young girls, he is gesturing at a table set with snacks, presents, and a tree. Beyond the circular scene inset in the card…
Father Christmas is in the back left corner, hammering a sprig of holly to the outer wall of a house. On the ground to his left is a bag with toys and more holly. The background is snowy hills extending into the distance with rows of evergreens. In…
An angel dressed in pink with magnificent golden wings directs Father Christmas. He is kneeling in front of it, dressed in a brown hooded coat. He has a basket of toys and a lighted and decorated Christmas tree next to him.
In black and white, the card depicts Father Christmas in a long dark coat with white trim sawing off the top of an evergreen tree. He has a doll at his belt and toys on his back. From behind a bare-branched tree to the left, a little boy watches him.…
Joseph, in dark blue and green, holds an older baby Jesus who is wrapped in white. In the background is a vine climbing a trellis, a road, hills, and sunrise. "A Merry Christmas" is printed at the bottom.
Across a snowy field stands a yellow house and shed with red roofs; beyond that are hills and trees. Walking towards the house across the field, two small figures drag a green Christmas tree down the path.
A haloed golden-haired child in a pink gown stands next to a grape vine. In one hand, they hold a wine cup, and with the other are squeezing grapes into it. The background is a mountainous country scene.
Set on a holly background, the main scene of the card shows a church atop a snowy hill. There is an inset of Santa Claus in the upper left and a seal with the words "A merry Christmas" in the lower right.
Santa Claus, dressed in a red suit trimmed in dark fur, is seated in a golden sleigh lined with white fur. Around and behind him are toys and a bag of more toys. He is flicking a whip to urge on the reindeer pulling his sleigh across the snowy…
In the upper part of the card there is a scene of sheep grazing in a meadow. There are trees, shrubs, and rocks in the valley and mountains and clouds in the far distance. Below the scene is the greeting "When Shepherds watched their flocks by night"…
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