Holy Trinity (Luxemburg, Iowa)



Holy Trinity (Luxemburg, Iowa)


“When John Plettchette died in 1859, he left six acres on condition that a church be built within two years. When Bishop Clement Smyth did not send a priest on the grounds that there was no church, John Heles and Joseph Friedman assumed leadership and a church was built in 1861 with Adolph Langel in charge of carpentry and John Maiers of masonry. Without a priest, the people gathered in the undedicated church on Sundays to be led in the Mass prayers and rosary by Anton Pfeffer, the schoolmaster. The parish school really existed before the bishop formally established the parish.”

- Rev. Msgr. Edgar Kurt, “Parish Profile #32: Holy Trinity Parish, Luxemburg.” Dubuque: The Witness, 19 July 1987.


The Archdiocese of Dubuque.
The Center for Dubuque History at Loras College.


Burback, Emily. Burns, Daniel. Gibson, Michael. Oberfoell, Carol. Waldmeir, Helen. Waldmeir, John.


Various primary and secondary sources.




Loras College
Kucera Center for Catholic Thought
Frank and Ida Goedken Series: "Spiritual Life in the Upper Mississippi River Valley"


History of the parish over the span of 158 years, including information about its priests and parishioners.

Table Of Contents

Actus Erectionis Stationum Viae Crucis (1 document)

Archbishop Mgr. Fernand Frank’s visit to those who wandered from Luxembourg to America: Compiled by Rev. Edgar Kurt (1 compilation)

Audit Letter (1 document)

Catholic Foundations of Luxemburg / History of Catholic Education in Archdiocese (5 documents)

Chapel Blessing Document (1 document)

Church Inventory (2 documents)

Collection Records 1913 (2 documents)

Convent/House Inventory (3 documents)

Dedication Invitation (1 document)

Election Ballots 1912, 1915 (2 documents)

Employee Payroll (5 documents)

Hennessy Letters 1871-1873 copies (2 documents)

History (5 documents)

Meisch Glass Letters 1881 (1 document)

New Holy Trinity School Building Picture 1926 (1 document)

Pastor Cards (1 collection)

Pastor List (1 document)

Photographs: Church 1961, Rev. Reiss, Rev, John Theobald (3 documents)

Fr. Ludovicus Theissling Sacred Theology Professor Official Document (1 document)

School Inventory (2 documents)

Summarium Indulgentiarum Soldalibus Confraternitatis (1 document)

Teacher Agreement Document (1 document)

Jerde, Lyn. “Luxemburg honored by namesake,” Dubuque:
The Telegraph Herald, 12 September 1994.

Kranz, Cindy. “Small boy makes big music.” The Cedar Rapids Gazette, 5 March 1988.

Rediger, Bill. “Luxembourg sends memento,” The Dyersville Commercia, 31 August 1994.

Schuster, David. “Eleven-year-old organist is music to Holy Trinity’s ears,” Dubuque: The Witness, Vol.LXVII No. 44, 3 January 1988.

Theobald, Rev. John. “History of the Luxemburg Parish and Community Commemorating the Parish Centennial Jubilee of Holy Trinity Church and the Golden Sacerdotal Jubilee of the pastor the Rev. John Theobald.”


“Holy Trinity (Luxemburg, Iowa),” Loras College Digital Collections, accessed March 14, 2025, http://digitalcollections.loras.edu/items/show/5973.