St. Mary (Manchester, Iowa)


St. Mary (Manchester, Iowa)


“When Father John J. Hanley became pastor in 1887, he saw to the building of a three-story frame school and convent, which was known as Saint Xavier’s for many years. Cedar Rapids Sisters of Mercy staffed the school until 1940; then the Dubuque Franciscans. Accredited in the 1920s, the school was reduced to eight grades in 1950. The present church and rectory was finished in 1963 under Father Cooney’s direction. The sanctuary’s north wall is a window 30 feet by 50 feet imported from France and believed to be the largest faceted window in the nation.”

- Rev. Msgr. Edgar Kurt, “Parish Profile #59, Saint Mary Parish, Manchester.” Dubuque: The Witness, 31 January 1988.


The Archdiocese of Dubuque.
The Center for Dubuque History at Loras College.


Burback, Emily. Burns, Daniel. Gibson, Michael. Oberfoell, Carol. Waldmeir, Helen. Waldmeir, John.


Various primary and secondary sources.




Loras College
Kucera Center for Catholic Thought
Frank and Ida Goedken Series: "Spiritual Life in the Upper Mississippi River Valley"


History of the parish over the span of 147 years, including information about its priests and parishioners.

Table Of Contents

Anniversary 125th (1 document)

Cluster Documents (1 compilation)

Episcopal Certificates (3 documents)  

Fax Cover Sheet (1 document)

History of Parish and School (6 documents)

Joint Agreement for Cluster (1 packet)

Narrative and Outline History, Edgar Kurt (2 documents)

New Church Picture and Building Layout (1 document)

Pastor Cards (1 document)

Pastor List (1 document)

Pastoral Planning Documents (1 compilation)

Photographs School Postcard 1952, Parish Hall and Catechetical School 1961, Rectory 1961 (2), Church 1961 (5 documents)

Preparing for Chrism Mass (1 document)

School New Building Picture Witness Article (1 document)

Timeline (2 collections)

Welcome Packet including schedules, organizations, councils, school related information, marriage requirements (7 documents)

Blobaum, Harry. “A progress report on Seeds of Hope,” The Witness, 8 March 2009, 2.

“Greed or grace?” Manchester.


“St. Mary (Manchester, Iowa),” Loras College Digital Collections, accessed March 13, 2025,