St. Mary (Waucoma, Iowa)


St. Mary (Waucoma, Iowa)


“Several Brannon families came from Ohio in 1852 and were followed by their friends in later years. They built a stone church dedicated to Saint Rose, which was supplanted by a larger frame church in 1877. When lightning struck the church in 1881, another frame church was hastily built. It was declared unsafe in 1897 and there was serious thought of building in the town of Waucoma, which had prospered in the meantime. After many Sunday afternoon meetings, the parishioners sent J. J. Kieron to Archbishop Hennessy with the solution of building within the town of Waucoma. He readily gave permission and sent Father Martin Hogan to care for Saint Rose and build the church in Waucoma.”

- Rev. Msgr. Edgar Kurt, “Parish Profile #51: Saint Mary Parish, Waucoma,” Dubuque: The Witness, 29 November 1987.


The Archdiocese of Dubuque.
The Center for Dubuque History at Loras College.


Burback, Emily. Burns, Daniel. Gibson, Michael. Oberfoell, Carol. Waldmeir, Helen. Waldmeir, John.


Various primary and secondary sources.




Loras College
Kucera Center for Catholic Thought
Frank and Ida Goedken Series: "Spiritual Life in the Upper Mississippi River Valley"


History of the parish over the span of 167 years, including information about its priests and parishioners.

Table Of Contents

Annual History 1979-1981 (4 packets)

Annual History regarding pastors and the death of Father Drummy 1975-1976 (1 document)

Archives Note (1 document)

Church History St. Mary/St. Rose of Lima ca. 1984/1987 (2 packets)

Directory and Activity Page ID (2 documents)

History 1937-1961 by Rev. Drummy (2 documents)

History 1975 (1 document)

History and interviews by Jeanne Bruess, Jane McEnaney, and Jill Myers 1987 (1 packet)

History and Father Drummy 1944-1976 (2 documents)

History of Saint Mary’s and St. Rose Parish – Waucoma (22 documents)

Major Developments 1916-1961 (1 document)

Mildred Marron History (1 document)

Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Lawler, Iowa History page (1 document)

Pastor Cards (1 set)

Photographs: Church, rectory, and school ca. 1950-1961 (3 documents)

Property Lists for Fr. Phelan and Fr. Sheehy ca. 1938 (1 document)

Sisters Article (1 document)

St. Luke Reference Sheet (1 document)

Brueckel, H.W., History of the Churches of Waucoma (1852-1950). Waucoma: Sentinel-Echo. Ca. 1950, p. 1-38. (1 book, 1 copy)


“St. Mary (Waucoma, Iowa),” Loras College Digital Collections, accessed March 11, 2025,