Browse Items (270 total)
Four, closely spaced, rectangular glass greenhouses are visible in this image. A white, two story frame house may be seen behind one of the greenhouses. The number 1314-a is written on a label that has been stuck to the lower left corner of the…
A mother, father and two boys are standing together near a bench and trees in this snow scene. The photographer’s notes indicate that the image was taken in Jackson Park, Dubuque, Iowa on March 22, 1916. The number 1331 is written on a label that has…
A float whose base is decorated in dark colored fabric dominates this image. Two individuals appear to be standing on the float. They are standing between two large, white objects. A man, lying down and dressed in an Arabic costume, is also partially…
A group of approximately thirty five men, women and children were gathered together for this group portrait. They are seated on the ground or standing near the brick wall of a church. Windows are partially visible.
A large, two story home is partially visible through some trees. A windmill, and several out buildings and barns are grouped around the home. A women is standing on the running board of an automobile which has been parked in front of one of the out…
The photographer's notes indicate that the first name of the young man in this image was Kenneth. Kenneth Loemker was The Reverend Loemker's third oldest son. Kenneth is carefully dressed in a dark suit, white shirt and dark tie, shiny dark shoes,…
Two horses wearing flower covered harnesses are pulling a large float. Adults are seated on the float which has been decorated with striped bunting. White fabric and striped bunting may be seen hanging from a rectangular frame that has been erected…
A crowd of men, women and children appear to be listening to a speaker. The photographer, Methodist minister Reverend H. J. Loemker, indicates in his notes that the featured speaker, on June 27, 1916, is “Lawrence MacGahan, a brave young man, salon…
Le Roy Loemker is shown leaning against the wall of a narrow underground passage in an un-named cavern. He is holding a small, shiny rock, and is dressed in dirty coveralls and a long sleeved shirt. The number 2200 is written on a label that has…
Florence, Leroy and Evelyn Loemker are standing in front of a partially visible brick home. The women have short hair and are wearing light colored print dresses, white stockings and black shoes. Leroy is dressed in a three piece dark suit and…
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