Browse Items (270 total)
A marching band comprised of about twenty men is marching along Main Street. The men are dressed in long sleeved white shirts, white pants, dark shoes and dark caps. A procession of men, women and children is following the band. An American flag is…
A group of young girls dressed in white dresses and sun bonnets, is standing in front of an open touring car with a license that reads “14667 IA.” Several of the girls are carrying sheaves of wheat. A women caring a folded parasol is standing near…
A group of five young boys is seen marching near 390 Main Street. The boys are dressed in dark colored short pants, white long sleeved shirts, dark sashes and white caps. They appear to be carrying wooden rifles. They are led by a man riding a horse.…
An open touring car with the Iowa license plate 64281, is visible in this image taken in front of 390 Main Street. Two men are riding in the front seat. A woman is visible in the back seat. A sign reading “…Without Loving … Love … has been erected…
An open touring car is seen passing 390 Main Street. Two men are visible in the car. A tall pole topped with American flags has been erected in the back seat. Streamers are attached to the pole and are held by women marching behind the car. Flowers…
A sign reading “Asbury M.E. Sunday School” may be seen next to a man who is driving the horses pulling a float decorated with a May Pole, streamers and a small cross. Women dressed in white dresses and carrying parasols are walking beside the float.…
Primary school age children are seated on a horse drawn float. A woman is visible seated at the rear of the float. A large, flower covered cross draped with streamers has been erected on the float. The number 1360 is written on a label that has been…
Men, women and children are seated on a large float draped in white bunting. A large sign that reads “WESTMINSTER” has been erected over the riders. The number 1363 is written on a label that has been stuck to the lower left corner of the slide.
Two men and several women and children are seated on a small, modestly decorated float pulled by two horses. A large sign reading “BAPTISTS” has been erected over the women and children. One of more than 20 floats in this over one hour long parade,…
The bed of a small truck has been wrapped in white sheeting and decorated with oak leaves. Nine women are seated in the truck bed. Each is wearing a small hat made of large leaves. The photographer may have been the pastor of this congregation at the…
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