Browse Items (270 total)
Two women, dressed in long, dark colored coats and hats, are standing in a street. Three residences, located on a steep hill, are visible behind them. In the lower left corner of the image, a man may be seen shoveling snow. The number 1319a is…
Only the upper portion of an image is visible in this slide. The setting is in a cave. The heads of two men are partially visible. One man is possibly the photographer’s son Le Roy. See LO 253 for an image of Le Roy standing in a cave. The number…
This image shows a small, one story, white frame building surrounded by an iron fence. A small brick chimney protrudes from the roof. A small cemetery is visible to the right of the structure. The church appears to have been built along an unpaved…
A steam shovel is shown emptying gravel into a large hopper. A railroad car, and a large pile of gravel are visible near the shovel. Under the hopper, a truck is waiting for its bed to be loaded. Other trucks may be seen nearby. A railroad track may…
A large piece of road paving equipment dominates this image. The machine is resting on a graded road foundation. A scoop partially filled with gravel extends from the front of the machine. A man holding a shovel may be seen standing near the scoop.
Numerous stalactites of various sizes may be seen hanging from the roof of a cave. The photographer’s notes indicate that the cave is located “near Dubuque.” A partially visible number is written on a label that has been stuck to the lower left…
This image of the front of the “new” Dubuque Senior High School was taken looking northeast. The front entrance is surrounded by a concrete arch. The building is constructed of grey limestone and is three stories in height. A flag is flying from a…
Thirteen structures, located on three levels, are visible in this image taken from 17th Street in Dubuque, Iowa. A chain link fence is visible in the foreground. Laundry may be seen hanging from a line hung between two buildings in the center of the…
Dedicated on December 2, 1911, funds for the construction of this three story, brick dormitory were donated by Louis H. Severance of Cleveland, Ohio. A brick entryway faces Algona Street. Two roof peaks are ornamented with curved brickwork in a style…
A black automobile is parked along the right berm of a winding road that may be seen descending through a deeply excavated road cut. A woman can be seen leaning against the guard rail on the left side of the road. This location is in eastern Dubuque…
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