Browse Items (270 total)
This image is similar to LO 132 and shows a white, double cab truck decorated with a banner that reads “… OF CHRIST I GLORY.”
Constructed in Mid 19th Century Revival Style, a three story, limestone stone building known as The Sherrill Mount House is visible near a curve along the Main Street of Sherrill, Iowa. Sherrill Mound Road intersects with Main Street at the front,…
This is a duplicate image of LO 209, Catechism class of Sherrill Methodist Episcopal Church, August 16, 1926.
Three girls and three boys are standing with Pastor Loemker. The image was taken out of doors.
This is a composite slide of three images. The smaller building without a steeple is the RIckardsville, Iowa Methodist Episcopal Church. The building with a steeple is the Sherrill, Iowa Methodist Episcopal Church building. The parsonage, a two story…
A small group of men and women are watching two teams of children wind ribbons around two Maypoles. The event is being held in a field on the outskirts of Sherrill, Iowa. The town of Sherrill may be seen in the background. The tall church steeple on…
Two young women are shown standing in front of a concrete shelter with a tile roof. Ivy is growing on the walls of the structure. Concrete benches and flower pots are partially visible. A low stone wall may be seen behind the shelter, located on the…
The Methodist Episcopal church and parsonage are shown in this image. Constructed in 1884, the church building is brick with a stone foundation and a short brick and white wooden steeple. There is an ornate cross on top of the steeple. The parsonage…
Modest in size, this one story home sits on a small corner lot. The home has a stucco exterior and tile roof. Narrow windows have been installed in shallow, recessed, arched openings. Wooden shutters have been added on either side of the openings.…
Two men dressed in suits are standing in a field near a row of trees. A low row of stones and other possible signs of future or past construction are visible on the ground near where the men are standing.
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