Browse Items (270 total)
A black automobile is parked along the right berm of a winding road that may be seen descending through a deeply excavated road cut. A woman can be seen leaning against the guard rail on the left side of the road. This location is in eastern Dubuque…
This image shows a small, one story, white frame building surrounded by an iron fence. A small brick chimney protrudes from the roof. A small cemetery is visible to the right of the structure. The church appears to have been built along an unpaved…
A farmstead with a home and numerous out buildings is visible. The home, and several other buildings appear to have been built near the low banks of a river. A rowboat is visible near the shore. Trees may be seen behind the buildings. The number 1280…
The photographer’s notes indicate that the structure in this image is a “Woodpile like African House.” A low, circular mound of vertically-stacked logs of similar sizes is visible. The mound of wood appears to have been built on bare ground on a…
A group of approximately thirty five men, women and children were gathered together for this group portrait. They are seated on the ground or standing near the brick wall of a church. Windows are partially visible.
Three girls and three boys are standing with Pastor Loemker. The image was taken out of doors.
This is a duplicate image of LO 209, Catechism class of Sherrill Methodist Episcopal Church, August 16, 1926.
A small group of men and women are watching two teams of children wind ribbons around two Maypoles. The event is being held in a field on the outskirts of Sherrill, Iowa. The town of Sherrill may be seen in the background. The tall church steeple on…
Four parallel lines of girls and young women are standing at designated locations on a grass-covered yard. Each “team” is wearing identical dresses covered by aprons. Each participant is wearing a hat. Boys and young men appear to be standing at the…
A group of elementary school children are gathered in a field. They are carrying small American flags and are all looking in the same direction, apparently waiting for someone to give them instructions. Several black automobiles are parked along the…
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