Browse Items (270 total)
Three men are standing near tracks in front of the trolley turnaround at the entrance to Union Park in Dubuque, Iowa. A street car filled with passengers may be seen at the terminal. The cupola and roof of a large pavilion are partially visible above…
A group of musicians appears to be preparing for a concert. They are seated in what the photographer has identified as the “grandstand” in Union Park in Dubuque, Iowa. The bandstand is located behind the streetcar terminal. See LO 262-263 for other…
A crowd of men, women and children appear to be listening to a speaker. The photographer, Methodist minister Reverend H. J. Loemker, indicates in his notes that the featured speaker, on June 27, 1916, is “Lawrence MacGahan, a brave young man, salon…
Two young women are shown standing in front of a concrete shelter with a tile roof. Ivy is growing on the walls of the structure. Concrete benches and flower pots are partially visible. A low stone wall may be seen behind the shelter, located on the…
Two women and three children are pictured standing next to an automobile at the automobile entrance to Eagle Point Park. A man is seated in the driver’s seat of the vehicle. The unpaved road may be seen winding up the hill through the trees. A…
This image is similar to LO 262. Several men are standing near the center of a street car terminal which has been erected near the entrance to Union Park in Dubuque, Iowa. Paved walkways are visible leading from the terminal into the heavily forested…
Women in long dresses and men dressed in dark suits and hats are shown strolling the ground of Union park in Dubuque, Iowa. Some individuals are carrying picnic baskets. The picnic shelter shown in LO 261 is visible on the right side of this image.…
Children and their parents may be seen playing on swings and teeter totters on a forested playground at the base of a steep hill in Union Park in Dubuque, Iowa. The number 1304-2 is written on a label that has been stuck to the lower left corner of…
Children – some assisted by their parents, are shown swinging on swings in this image taken in Union Park in Dubuque, Iowa. The photographer has identified a partially visible structure as a “wading pool.” The number 1304-3 is written on a label that…
Four women and four men are shown seated on a grassy hillside at the base of a rocky bluff. The photographer has identified the family as the “W. Grenzig family” and the location as “Union Park.”
The number 1304-4 is written on a label that has been…
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