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This image shows a dark colored, one story stone structure with a lighter colored stone foundation. A steeple, constructed of the same material as the building, is visible at one corner of the structure, and extends slightly above the roof.…
This image of Lock and Dam Number 11 was taken from Eagle Point, looking east across the Mississippi River. The walls of the lock, visible in the foreground, appear to be almost complete. The roller and tainter gate walls further out in the…
A tall, wooden scaffold has been erected at the corner of a brick foundation which has been laid next to the existing Y.M.C.A. building, which is partially visible in this image. A low, wooden construction building stands near the foundation. Piles…
The building in the foreground is the Custom House and Post Office. Constructed in 1858 of cut limestone, this three story building held the offices of the Surveyor of Customs, Post Office, Internal Revenue Service and the U.S. District Court. Arches…
This image is similar to LO 212. Rows of high school and older elementary school children are shown standing in parallel lines. Each team, or class, is wearing identical dresses or suits.
This view of downtown Dubuque was taken from the top of the 4th Street Elevator on Fenlon Place, and looks north east toward the Mississippi River. The tall spire of St. Mary’s Catholic Church is visible, as is the tall office building belonging to…
A multi-story building dominates this image. The first story is constructed of limestone blocks, while the remaining stories are of brick. A team of horses is pulling a loaded wagon toward the building. Two men, with their backs to the camera, are…
Constructed in 1898 of brick, grey limestone and molded terra cotta, this building is an example of the Beaux Arts architectural style. A 190 foot tower topped with a partially obscured statue of Lady Justice rises from the roof. Winged figures…
A three story brick building may be seen in this image. Peaked gables are visible at the top of the front and side of the building. A sign painted on a large window on the first floor reads ”Dubuque Presbyterian Press Printers – Publishing.” An entry…
A duplicate slide of LO 217, this composite slide shows three images. The smaller building without a steeple is the Rickardsville, Iowa Methodist Episcopal Church. The building with a steeple is the Sherrill, Iowa Methodist Episcopal Church building.…
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