Browse Items (69 total)

A slide of a photograph showing Louise Halliburton enjoying a cool drink of coconut water in Bali.

India_Taj Mahal.jpg
Slide of a photograph showing the Taj Mahal monument in India.

Hong Kong_South China Sea.jpg
Slide of photography showing a view of the South China Sea, a sail boat is seen on the water.

Slide of photograph taken at a flower marker in Holland.

Athens Acropolis.jpg
Slide of photograph taken at the Athens Acropolis showing ancient Greek ruins

L.H.H. Watercolors.jpg
Louise Halliburton posing in front of her watercolors.

Halliburton_Book Illustration.jpg
A book jacket designed for Young America Travels Abroad by Louise E. Halliburton depicting the European continent

Watercolor_Washington D.C. Pennsylvania Ave..jpg
Color photograph of watercolor painting depicting Pennsylvania Ave in Washington D.C.

Watercolor_Washington D.C..jpg
Color photograph of watercolor painting depicting the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington D.C.
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