Browse Items (269 total)
This object is a circular scene. In it, a mother dressed in green, red and blue with a white head covering holds a small boy, dressed in white. Another child looks on with hands clasped from the right. This is possibly a scene of Mary and Jesus.
The card features a snow-covered wooden structure. Inside, Mary has the baby Jesus seated on her lap. Three young girls kneel beside her while an angel stands behind them. Outside, another angel rings a bell. There is also a deer looking on from the…
Santa Claus is dressed in red and seated next to a lighted and decorated Christmas tree with two girls. The blonde-haired one sits on his knee and holds a doll under her arm. The brown-haired girl stands next to the chair. Both wear white dresses and…
Santa Claus is dressed in a red suit. In one hand he holds a toy jester, and with the other he is handing a pink-clad doll to a blonde girl in a white dress. Behind the girl is a brunette boy, also dressed in white. In the background is a curtain and…
Father Christmas is dressed in a long red robe with a package in its pocket; behind him, his walking stick is leaned against a basket of toys. He is hanging an ornament on the tree in the middle of the room while a blue-robed angel holds a tray of…
Father Christmas in a red robe rides on a donkey led by the bridle by an angel. He is seated atop the gray-brown donkey with his bag across his lap and an evergreen branch in his hand. A blonde angel with gold wings and dressed in a yellow robe leads…
Father Christmas is dressed in a red robe with his hood up. He is walking through the snow along with an angel woman dressed in light green, and two young children in dark colored clothing. The kids are goofing around while Father Christmas looks on…
Father Christmas is dressed in a long red robe and carrying a bag of gifts and walking stick. He is standing on the steps of somebody's doorstep on a snowy night. Two small angel children are peering into the window that is emitting a warm light from…
Santa Claus is dressed in his iconic red suit and hat. He is standing in the woods on a snowy night. A large church can be seen in the background, beyond the trees in the woods. Five small angel children stand at Santa's feet, playing and singing…
The card is divided into thirds; the upper third features a widely-grinning Santa in bright red with a brunette boy and girl, both dressed in blue, on his lap. He is seated within a wreath with four candles around him and a yellow background. In the…
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