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The card is drawn in a cartoonish style. In the center is a disproportionately large Santa Claus in a red coat with black trim. He holds a placard which reads "My Best Wishes for a Merry Christmas." Five children have joined hands and are dancing in…
Santa Claus is taking a stroll through the woods while wearing his notorious red suit and cap. He is carrying a large bag of gifts on his back. He has encountered two young children on his path, a boy and a girl. The children are both kneeling on one…
Santa Claus is dressed in his iconic red suit, bag of gifts resting by his feet. He is sitting in a chair by the Christmas tree in somebody's living room. Two young children holding stuffed animals are seated in his lap. They are all smiling as if…
Father Christmas is wearing a red coat and carrying a small tree and gifts on his back. He is standing in the living room of a young boy and girl. The children are dressed in formal clothes and standing in front of their Christmas tree. They are…
Father Christmas is standing among a circle of young children. He is wearing a red fur-lined and hooded robe. There are three children surrounding him, one little boy and two little girls. They are smiling at Father Christmas as he hands out gifts…
Father Christmas is wearing a long red robe and cap. He is rummaging through his bag, placing gifts underneath the tree in the house he is visiting. Three young children peer around the corner, watching Father Christmas leave gifts for them. There is…
Two young children are sitting on the bench at a train station. Santa Claus is wearing his iconic red suit and hat. He is taking a stroll around the station, carrying a Christmas tree on his back. Features the caption, "A Joyful Christmas".
Two young children, a boy and a girl, are peering around a curtain in their living room. They are watching Father Christmas place gifts under their Christmas tree. The tree is lit up with a plethora of lights and candles, and Father Christmas is in…
Father Christmas, dressed in a long red robe, is seated in a chair at the end of a small brass bed. His bag of toys is on the floor in front of him, and he reaches into the top to pull out a toy trumpet from among the dolls and other gifts. A drum…
Father Christmas, lit by a lantern, puts a ball in one of three stockings hung on the end of a bed. Two blonde-haired children sleep in the bed, which is draped in blue.
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