Browse Items (269 total)
Father Christmas is wearing his iconic long red robe. His hood is up over his head and only his back and the back of his head are visible to the viewer of the image. Father Christmas is standing outside of the home of a pair of young children. He is…
Santa Claus, dressed in red and carrying a bag, hands a toy to a boy through the window. Inside, the window is wreathed in green curtains and holly. The boy is dressed in brown and receiving a toy horse while the seated girl, who is dressed in pink…
Father Christmas is wearing a long red robe. He is standing under a wooden awning that displays all of the toys he has for the children. He is handing out gifts from his bag. Two small girls wait excitedly to see what Father Christmas is going to…
Father Christmas is wearing a long red robe and taking a walk through town. It is nighttime and snowing. Two small children watch Father Christmas from the comfort of their balcony. The postcard features a design of holly and bells going across the…
Father Christmas is wearing a long red robe with his hood up. He is carrying a Christmas tree as he passes by what looks like the front porch of a house. It is nighttime, and there is snow on the ground. One young boy and one young girl stand at the…
Father Christmas in a red coat and cape with blue hat plays the violin, accompanying the two singing children in front of him. The boy on the left is dressed in yellow, and the girl to the right is in white with a muff. Between them, they hold a…
Father Christmas in a red coat is dumping toys from his green bag onto the snowy ground. One child is on her hands and knees picking up trinkets, while the other, a boy, is begging for toys. The background is a snow-covered field with a house in the…
Santa Claus in a long red coat with a bag of toys on his back is in the foreground, running from pursuing children. Six children in brightly colored clothes run down the road after him, both boys and girls. There is a village in the far background of…
Santa Claus in red and two small children are riding in a hot hair balloon through the clouds. The balloon is white with gold striping, and the basket is decorated with holly leaves. Santa holds a tree, bag, and some toys; behind him flies a U.S.A.…
Father Christmas and two children are sledding down a snow-covered hill with evergreens in the background. Father Christmas is in a long red coat and cap, and has an extensive mustache. He has a tree over his right shoulder. Two children are seated…
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