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Three young boys are seen in the foreground of the photograph amongst rows of corn. Two boys on the left are taller and are wearing hats. The third boy on the right is shorter and mostly hidden by the corn. There is a farmhouse behind the field, with…
Four boys and five girls are posed outside the Franklin School. The original school was built in 1857 as the First Ward School and renamed in December 1889. Today's Franklin School at 39 Bluff Street was constructed in 1906. The building in this…
A group of children is playing on the snowy street with a building that might be their school and a bluff in the background. The location is identified as 17th and Madison.
Primary school age children are seated on a horse drawn float. A woman is visible seated at the rear of the float. A large, flower covered cross draped with streamers has been erected on the float. The number 1360 is written on a label that has been…
Four men work bottling soda water at Chris E. Kleis Company, 445 9th Street. The number “79” has been written on the emulsion side of the negative and is visible in the upper right corner of the picture. No number is written in the upper left corner.
The living room is decorated with a Christmas Tree and nativity set. A young man identified as the "Steichen Boy" is seated in a chair.

In the center of the room is a Christmas tree decorated in ornaments, and garland. There is a chalkboard with drawings on it, a chair with a doll, two bugles, a drum, a paper or book entitle, "Pumpkin Pie," and a young Albert J. Hoffmann riding in a…
A white truck is parked along the 1400 block of Main Street. The driver may be seen sitting behind the steering wheel. A sign which reads “Dubuque City Ambulance” has been painted on the side of the vehicle. A cross is visible in the window above the…
A three story rectangular building constructed of brick, dominates this image. A substantial bell tower and several chimneys may be seen on top of the building.
This image is of a long, narrow room. Three barbers are standing behind their metal barber’s chairs, each of which is occupied by a man draped in a large, white cloth. Behind the chairs are porcelain sinks and wall-mounted shelves. On top of the…
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