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Father Christmas carries his bag and a Christmas tree as he hobbles through a snowstorm. Two children observe him in the distance. Features the caption "A Joyful Christmas".
Santa Claus is taking a rest in the woods. Two sneaky children are looking at Santa, perhaps entertaining the idea of taking some of the toys from his bag. The postcard features the caption "A Merry Christmas".
Father Christmas is dressed in a rich burgundy coat with white trim and a tasseled hat. He is seated on the ground with his back against a tree, boots outstretched and bag next to him, talking a nap. To the left, two children - a boy and girl - pick…
Father Christmas stands in a long, rich red robe with a brown cap, bag over his right shoulder, and walking stick in his left hand. Two children stand directly beneath his arm, gazing upwards either at the snow, stars, or something not printed on the…
Santa Claus in a bright red suit is coming down a path on the right side of the card. He carries a walking stick in his right hand and a lantern in his left. On his back, his bag of toys is full to bursting with brightly colored dolls and other…
The central image of the card is a bell, on which is printed a scene of Father Christmas greeting two children. He is in a long red robe with a bag, satchel and walking stick; the taller child is a girl dressed in blue with a hat, and the younger is…
Father Christmas is wearing a long hooded red robe and carrying a walking stick in his right hand. On his back he carries a blue bag and a basket filled with toys. Behind him, there is a brick wall over which four children watch him. The furthest…
Father Christmas is wearing a long hooded red robe and carrying a walking stick in his right hand. On his back he carries a blue bag and a basket filled with toys. Behind him, there is a wall over which four children watch him. The furthest left is a…
Father Christmas is in dark red with purple trim and has a basket on his back and satchel at his right side. His pointer finger on his right hand is upraised, pointing at the three figures on the right of the card. The oldest, either a teenager or…
The card's central scene is intricate silver and holly with red ribbon bows in the upper left and lower right corners. In the center, Father Christmas in a long red hooded robe is handing toys to two children. He has a basket on his back and holds a…
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