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Three younger men are climbing on a broken-over and hollowed-out tree. One is in the space at the bottom, one is inside the trunk near the top, and the other is climbing up the outside.
Two men are seated on the trunk nearest the camera and two on the farther one. The nearest possibly are Albert and Edward, while one of the far men is Peter B. Hoffmann Sr. and the other may be Emil Youngblood.
Edward Hoffmann is using a paddle to push a small boat containing him and possibly Emil Youngblood off into the Mississippi. Albert and Peter B. Hoffmann are in another boat.
Four men are in a long boat on the river, one rowing and the others fishing. There is another boat with three men in the background. One of the men is Peter B. Hoffmann Sr., and the others are probably Albert, Edward and Emil Youngblood.
A man in a suit is posed on the creek bank opposite from the camera in the woods. It is likely Edward Hoffmann.
Albert Hoffmann stands by a large hollowed out tree and a cow stands underneath it.
The Hoffmann family and "Uncle Emil Youngblood" are picnicking at the base of a stone cliff; their horse buggy is in the background. Albert and a hatless Emily are standing while Edward is handing something to young Albert J. Emil and Peter B. Sr.…
Emil Youngblood, Albert D. Hoffmann, Peter B. Hoffmann Sr. and Edward Hoffmann are seated on a log that extends over the river.
Prince the horse is eating grass while hitched to the family carriage. Albert and Emily are standing together, while Peter B. Hoffmann Sr. is holding Albert J. and Edward stands next to them.
Pearl Tuthill is wearing a dark feathered hat, light blouse, and dark skirt and is seated and leaning on a sort of wooden chair.
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