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Elementary school age children and their teachers are walking along the parade route. All the children are wearing light colored clothing and sashes.
According to the Encyclopedia Dubuque, this building, home to Lodge #297 of the Elks, was constructed in 1914-1915, and demolished in 1975. The main entrance, framed by six white columns, faced 7th street and Washington Park. A smaller entrance faced…
The Victorian mansion on the right in this image was the Emerson Mansion, site of Wartburg Seminary’s return to Dubuque in 1889. Fritschel Hall is on the left. Loehe Chapel and the Wartburg Tower, modeled after the famous Wartburg Tower in Eisenach,…
Emil Youngblood is holding up a fish for Edward Hoffmann to examine. They have sticks as fishing rods propped in the bank to dangle in teh water.
Emil Youngblood is standing on the foundation of a old house, and Edward Hoffmann is sitting. Part of the old house still stands behind them, but it appears that the area where they are at used to be an addition, or another room of the house. A…
Emil Youngblood and Edward Hoffmann are in between two large rocks that may be a cave-like system. Emil is sitting off to the left with his left arm resting on his left leg, and Edward Hoffmann is to Emil's left, crawling out of a hole in the rock.…
Emil Youngblood is reaching up over his head to pull down a bunch of grapes, while Edward stands to the right, eating some.
Emil Youngblood and Edward Hoffmann are standing in a cornfield; the plants have grown taller than their heads.
Emil Youngblood and Edward Hoffmann are standing inside a tunnel mine shaft cut into the side of a bluff, pointing and looking upward at its walls. They are standing on top of the mine cart track. The location is identified as a lead mine in Dubuque.
Edward Hoffmann and a man who is likely Emil Youngblood are standing on a rock outcropping on the top of a bluff that overlooks a railroad track and body of water below, toward the right side of the card.
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