Browse Items (43 total)

Rohlman Dedication- Nov. 5th, 1954-1955.jpg
A full page from the Loras College student newspaper, the Lorian, regarding the dedication of a new dorm building on the Loras College Campus in 1954. Six photographs are visible: 1) a line of Catholic leaders, including archbishops, bishops, …

Prom- May 7th, 1953-1954.jpg
A newspaper clipping from the Loras College student newspaper, the Lorian, displaying a photograph of two people dressed in formal attire examining decorations at the 1954 Loras College Spring Prom.

Content Warning: Some of the materials…

Mantovani- Nov. 2nd, 1955-1956.jpg
A newspaper clipping from the Loras College student newspaper, the Lorian, regarding the visit of Mantovani and his orchestra to Loras College in 1955. A photograph of the Loras audience watching the orchestra accompanies the article.
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