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The card is depicting either the Ascension or Transfiguration, but more likely the Ascension. Jesus is above a crowd of people, ascending into the clouds and framed by a golden light. To his left and rigth are two other male figures. Below him is a…
Floating above the rest of the figures is Mary in red and blue, holding the baby Jesus. They are backed by a golden sky. Around them, figures of both genders and all ages look upon them or in other directions.

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The card features a white, pink, and blue-robed Mary, holding the baby Jesus. Joseph is beside them, carrying a walking stick and looking out over the landscape to the right of the card while shading his eyes. Behind them is a donkey. The background…
Mary in an orange robe and white head wrap sits on a rock with a naked baby Jesus on her lap. Joseph in green and white stands behind them to the right. To the left, there are two standing angels and one sitting, who sings or reads from a book. Two…
Father Christmas in a light red robe pushes a sleigh with the baby Jesus, haloed and clothed white. Two golden-haired angels pull the sleigh; the leading one with a bell and dressed in yellow and the second in light purple. Two more baby angles watch…
In the foreground of the card stands the child Jesus, dressed in white, with a shining halo around his blonde head. Behind him is Father Christmas, carrying a tree and laden with dolls and other toys. There is a cherub flying near his head. In the…
In the center of the card, Father Christmas in a tan hooded coat kneels next to baby Jesus' green cradle. Behind them is a wooden structure like a stable and an evergreen tree. The inset is surrounded by holly and the bottom reads "All Good Wishes…
Father Christmas, sans hat, is dressed in a brown robe, kneeling in the snow on the edge of a grove of trees. In the upper right is a blonde-haired Mary dressed in blue carrying the child Jesus. "Frohliche Weihnachten" is printed in the upper right…
The card's main scene is inset in a circle surrounded by holly; there is a blue box at the bottom reading "A Joyous Christmas". In the circle is Father Christmas in a red robe and beard. He has toys at his belt, an evergreen tree at his back, and is…
In the center of the card, Father Christmas in a tan hooded coat cradles baby Jesus in his arms. The background includes a snow-covered tree. The inset is surrounded by holly and the bottom reads "All Good Wishes for Christmas."
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