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The photograph is shot looking directly down a path that is bordered by tall trees, likely some kind of evergreen, on both sides. Edward Hoffmann is standing by the first tree along the left side; Emil Youngblood is leaning against one a few trees…
Albert and Peter B. Hoffmann Sr. are seated on the ground while Emil Youngblood and Edward Hoffmann stand, Edward pointing off into the distance. Behind them rises a tall stone bluff.
Emil Youngblood, Peter B. Hoffmann Sr. and Edward Hoffmann are on a picnic, seated on the ground with their backs against a tree.
A man, probably Peter B. Hoffmann Sr., is standing next to a horse and wagon, which are facing away from the camera. A bluff looms over them on the left side and there are trees to the right.
Edward Hoffmann is standing next to the closest tree on the left, while Emil Youngblood leans on a tree a ways down the path. Peter B. Hoffmann is leaning on a tree on the right side of the path, across from Edward.
The card shows four men, identified on the back as Albert Hoffmann, Peter B. Hoffmann, Vincent Hoffmann, and Emil Youngblood, squatting under a tree in a field.
Edward Hoffmann,Emil Youngblood, Peter B. Hoffmann, and Albert Hoffmann sit in a boat in a waterway and fish. Edward Hoffmann is sitting on the left and end of the long, narrow boat, holding a fishing pole, with the line in the water. He is looking…
There are two small boats along the banks of a large waterway, possible the Mississippi River. Albert Hoffmann and Peter B. Hoffmann are sitting in a boat, looking at the photographer. Both men are wearing darker colored suits with derby style hats.…
Emil Youngblood, Albert Hoffmann, Peter B. Hoffmann Sr., and Edward Hoffmann sit on a dead tree that extends from the bank of a waterway, probably the Mississippi River. The tree extends from the left side of the photographs and continues to the…
Along the bank of a waterway, presumably the Mississippi River, four men sit on two dead trees that are lying horizontally. In the foreground is a pile of driftwood, limbs, and sticks. Edward Hoffmann is sitting, and to his left is Albert Hoffmann…
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